Thursday, November 22, 2012

10 things I'm Thankful for

Every day should be like Thanksgiving.  We shouldn't spend just one day a year where we focus on all the blessings in our lives.  I'm working on being more intentionally aware of all the blessings in my life.  I have so much to be thankful for and I want to stay focused on those in the times that I'm stressed, tired and not in a positive thought of mind.  God knows you inside and out, he knows your thoughts and every move.  I want my thoughts to always be praising and glorifying to God. 
Here are a few things that I'm thankful for:
1.  My loving and hard working husband for supporting our family and being a wonderful Father for our girls.  Your hard work allows me to be a Stay at Home Mom.
2.  I'm BLESSED with a house to clean, laundry to fold, food to cook and to be a 24 hour-round-the-clock Mom and Wife.
 3.  Our three beautiful daughters who bring me such joy and remind me to slow down and enjoy each and every day because they are growing up way too fast. 
 4.  The United States Coast Guard for protection of our great country and giving my husband his dream job that supports us so well.
 5.  All of our Family and Friends, we may not be close in distance but my heart and prayers are always with you. 
6.  For Skype, Face Time, Facebook, blogs and other technology that allows me to stay in touch with family and friends.
7.  For our good health and God's constant protection.
8.  Our church for teaching us, changing our hearts, giving us a loving family when ours isn't nearby, and for new friends who live as examples of great Christian families.
9.  For the bible, the best self help book out there!
 10.   Most importantly To our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the sacrifice you paid for all of us.  For giving us grace as we continue to shape and mold our lives into the ones that you call us to be.  For blessing our family with a wonderful life filled with so much love and happiness. 
I pray you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends!  I am so looking forward to family time, yummy food and making memories to last! 

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