Thursday, April 18, 2013

How to survive The Stomach Flu {for kids}

Sorry I've been MIA most of this week but this post explains why....
This is a post that I would much rather not have had the opportunity to write!  This past weekend two of our three daughters came down with the stomach flu.  Sick kiddos are no fun but especially if it's the stomach bug :(   I thought I would share what we do to survive the stomach flu, hoping you don't need these tips but here they are just in case.  
When you have kids, they aren't always able to make it to the bathroom toilet so I always keep a box of grocery store bags in my pantry.  Another pantry staple are boxes of tissues.  I've kept these both in my girls beds this week in case they weren't able to make it to the bathroom in time.  Remind them to carry it with them whenever they get up...just in case!
For little kiddo's who aren't old enough to express when they are about to throw up, I will make a bed out of blankets covered with beach towels near me on the living room floor.  Stay close so you can try to help them make it to the trash can in time otherwise this is why its helpful to line the bed with beach towels.  I also line their crib with beach towels at bed time and keep a monitor on so you can carefully monitor their health during the night.
The hard part of this week has been keeping the two big girls confined to their rooms, keeping Little Sis happy downstairs and running back and forth to help them all.  
I have been a cleaning fool this week!  I'm all for green cleaning, I've even been making some homemade vinegar/water cleaning solutions lately but I was not going to take any chance with this nasty bug in my house!  I've been disinfecting all of the bathrooms, the kitchen and doing a TON of laundry too.  
As soon as your child is able to keep some fluids down they need to rehydrate with a drink containing electrolytes.  Gatorade is good but Pedialyte is best to replace what they've lost.  Be sure to refrigerate the bottle after opening.   
When they feel like they are up to eating again,  they need to have mild foods like chicken noodle soup and crackers.  I swear by the "BRAT Diet".  Brat stands for B-bananas, R-rice, A-applesauce and T-toast.  Don't push them to eat a normal diet for a few days, especially dairy.  

Trying to keep my girls happy and entertained is not easy when they don't feel well.  I try to get them to take naps but they also need something to help pass the time.  I surprised them with a couple of dvd's from the local Red Box.  Books, coloring, lego's and drawing also help my girls too.

{I am certainly not a Dr, but this is what I've found to work for our family}
This nasty bug took a toll on our family this week and we are still in recovery mode, prayers that you don't get it too!  

1 comment :

  1. GREAT post! We too use the BRAT diet when our kids are sick, but this is a good reminder to have stuff on hand. Hope everyone is feeling better by now!! :(


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