One thing I don't look forward to when Daddy deploys is cooking, he typically grills a couple of times a week for me and I LOVE him for that! For some reason when he leaves, my desire to cook goes with him. I don't want the girls and I to eat out all the time so I keep easy meals in mind for this time. The girls know that when Daddy is gone we usually have breakfast for dinner once a week (like my Fluffy Freezer Pancakes) and other easy meals. Here are a few of my favorites:
We just tried this and we LOVE it!!
My house smelled so good while it cooked :)
You could add other ingredients to the bubbles to change it up a bit.
Another family favorite! Simple and Yummy!!
I usually bring this to family's I'm bringing a meal
who just had a baby, is sick or just in need of some lovins ;)
This makes a big pot of sauce so I freeze
the leftovers and usually have enough to freeze
containers for two more meals for our Happy House.

I found a recipe somewhere on pinterest for these easy
Crock Pot Chicken Tacos and couldn't find the same link
but found the same one on this blog. Super easy is the name of my deployment dinners :)
Very tasty and simple, I make some pasta and a veggie to go with it.
You could make two and freeze one for later or give it to someone :)
I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as our Happy House has!!
Deployments are never fun and I have to say I do not miss them. Thank you for sharing these easy ideas to whip up something easy and enjoyable at dinnertime.