Thank you everyone for participating in my first giveaway and becoming a follower of Happy House of 5!!! My first month of blogging has been fun and I'm looking forward to what the future has in store for us.
I would like to THANK Nicole for so graciously offering this giveaway! Please visit her website and take advantage of getting a free Scentsy bar with any purchase you place from her.
{click on the scentsy logo to go to her website!}
Now it's time to announce the lucky winner who will get to pick out any Scentsy Burner and one bar to get you started!
The winner is Hallie :)
Congrats and enjoy your prize!!!

Don't forget this cute little guy is on sale
and would be a great addition for Thanksgiving!

The Buddy would make a GREAT Christmas present for a little one.
If you are interested in having me review and host a giveaway for your business or product please contact me at
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